
I painted this entire dolphin in an hour while on an instagram live. Why am I telling you this here? I’m not really sure, but I’ve been meaning to explore the blog functionality of squarespace a bit. Just like I’d been meaning to explore the LIVE feature of instagram a bit.

This was the first Live I had actually scheduled ahead of time. A whole HOUR ahead of time. Plenty of time for my fans to learn about it and tune in. (This is sarcasm). It was also at 10:35pm on a Monday night. I do these things on a whim. The fact that I planned this in advance at all is a miracle.

It’s not entirely a miracle though. One of my top fans encouraged me to do it. Megan Blackburn. A bike friend from NYC. (By default, most people I know are going to be bike friends from New York). Megan has popped into most of the IG Lives I’ve done. Afterwards, we end up chatting for a bit. She told me that I should let her know in advance, and she’ll try to get other people to tune in. Other bike friends from New York.

So I did! I planned it, and she got a person or two to tune in. I also posted about it on a chatgroup or two I’m in. Typically, I get 0-3 concurrent viewers. I’m fine with that. I’m still figuring out how the whole damn thing even works, and what’s engaging for people. By the time I skyrocket to the double digits, I should have this very dialed in. Last night, at one point i had SEVEN concurrent viewers. You know what they say, three’s company, seven’s an audience….idk. Someone sponsor me.

Here’s a big takeaway from the entire thing. People seem to like my voice. They found it sorta soothing in the evening, watching me work and listening to me sometimes narrate. There were long periods of silence from me as I focused on my work. My takeaway from all of this is that I’m not too bad at talking through stuff. It may translate into a podcast. It may translate into doing Youtube stuff. HOPEFULLY any of those efforts translate into cold hard cash or at least Venmo transfers. All I have to do is try.


Bucky’s Pizza


Georgia, a dog