Sketchbook walkthrough #2

Sketchbook Tour number two! This time, featuring a Tumuarta Watercolor Journal, which may be my second favorite sketchbook. This specific journal was gifted to me by Melanie Curtis, and has become my journal of choice for the local illustrations.

Some of my best work ever is in this one. The Hall of African Animals from the American Museum of Natural History, The Able Baker, A Paper Hat. Classic, unforgettable Studionumbernine illustrations! As much as the first sketchbook launched me into the world of urban sketching & drawing on location, this one really helped me refine my craft and hone in on more high quality materials.

My first sketchbook video found its way to some ladies in Washington state, one of whom happens to be the Aunt of Jay Pingree, local awesome artist and great friend who i met through SOMA Figure Drawing. They were looking for “sketchbook artists” and somehow came across my first sketchbook Youtube video. This boggled my mind, because I hardly ever use Youtube! The rumors are true apparently - people use Youtube as a search engine. Looking for content they want to know about.


Next time, I’m going to work on the audio for these things. I’m well aware that the sound is wildly different when I’m doing a VO in my studio and when I’m walking around outside the Baird. And I know better than to think that’s going to sound alright. This is just my particular brand of Impostor Syndrome coming through. Probably the one where I think i need to know everything and do everything well all the time (“The expert”). Don’t tell anyone, but i’m making it up as I go. Don’t tell anyone this either: Everyone is.


Rehoboth Beach


Botanica Boutique